Winter League 2024/25 Grand Final

The fifth and final round of our Winter League saw some milder temperatures in comparison to the previous rounds! A total of 28 shooters competed through 6 stages. These were split between one of the skills houses, the 50m, 25m and 10m ranges. Targets ranged in distances from 1m to 40m, and the use of the car in the 50m range added for some more dynamic start positions. Much fun was had by all, with the winner of the day in both Mini rifle and 2 gun going to Waldek Mickiewicz.
Overall winner of the mini rifle winter league was Waldek Mickiewicz. Lee Elliot and James Thomas were close behind in second and third respectively.
Winner for the 2 gun winter league was also Waldek Mickiewicz with Rob Lawson coming second and Russel Hicks third.
Winners for each category were as follows:
Senior Mini Rifle Open: Waldek Mickiewicz
Junior Mini Rifle Open : Oliver Mickiewicz
Super senior: Craig Hamilton
New Shooter: Matt Ward
New Shooter Lady: Nina Patmore
Lady: Maria Bartlett
All scores from this match and previous ones are available to view to the Practical Shooting UK website which can be found Here
Well done to all those who took part, we look forward to seeing all again soon for our Practical Shooting Championship starting on the 5th April 2025!
Here is a video of the stages on the day.