Hawke Optics British Mini Rifle Championship Round 1 May 30th 2020 (Changed from May 4th) – Courses of Fire

Hawke Optics British Mini Rifle Championship Round 1 May 30th 2020 (Changed from May 4th)
Round 1
Competition will be televised on Sky and Freesat TV.
Minimum 6 courses of fire with targets from 1m to 100m distance
Minimum of 120 rounds required
9.30am briefing, 10am start
Please state Class entered;
Mini Rifle Open
Senior (50 years+)
Super Senior (60 years=)
Junior (under 18 years)
New Shooter (not shot an NRA, UKPSA or IPSC competition before)
Bring your FAC.
Courses of Fire Below: