New Backing Boards

We now have all new backing boards.
Since we first opened we have always used Correx backing boards for the entire range, the idea being that they were cost effective and lasted more than one shooter so we provided them for free, however a visit from the Environment Agency has lead us to make a complete change to this system.
The problem with Correx is that they are made of non bio degradable plastic so each month we were adding to local landfill with shot out boards and as much as we try to limit this waste the fact is shooters need clear backing boards so they can see their fall of shot so they need to be replaced regularly. Added to this as the boards were shot it created tiny pieces of plastic in the backstops which again is not environmentally friendly and potentially dangerous to a variety of species (including us).
As a result we have now moved to 20mm thick corrugated cardboard. These new boards are very stiff so can be used on our turning targets as well as the static and can be fully recycled so no more damage to the environment. Rather than just sort a simple piece of cardboard we have decided to create a two sided board, one plain so shooters choice targets can be added (including stick on) and the other side a set of IPSC and zero markers targets.
We analysed the kind of shooter we have here and pretty much most are here to zero, a lot shoot practical and the rest have a variety of target types so what we have done is create a single target board that can serve the majority of shooters. There are two IPSC mini targets and one IPSC Micro target, all of these have the lines printed so cant be used for competitions but are perfect to check your fall of shot and accuracy at multiple distances for practice.
The aiming dots are for zeroing, a vertical set for checking zero and drop of shot and the lower for trying different loads. The boards are sturdy enough for multiple use so can be re-used but only cost £1.20 each (our cost) so cheap enough so shooters have a clean board each time they shoot.