NRA Practical Minirifle April League with Viper Tactical

Well, we weren’t 100% sure that it was possible but in the end it went pretty smoothly, 35 shooters, 12 stages and we even had a lunch break. Was a busy day for sure but went well; entirely down to the shooters and range staff working together to come up with a great competition event.
Due to a popular vote we went for 100% IPSC compliant stages so there was a mix of fast and flowing stages as well as two stages out 100m distance so it tested all the shooters and it was a couple of seniors who took the top two positions with Waldek just sneaking it from Russell Hicks for the win and Dan Knight coming in third. Alistair Mustard was our only standard class shooter so he won convincingly.
Lots of new shooters doing their first NRA competition as well, great to see.
Here are all 12 stages.
Full results should be on Practicscore, next match here is the NRA Hand Gun League match on May 19th, next NRA Minirifle match on June 9th. Details on how to enter HERE