Practical Mini Rifle Winter League Final Results

After the cancellation of the 5th round due to weather it was touch and go if we wold be able to complete the final round due to the coronavirus position but we are delighted to say that all the competitors practiced the 2m rule on social distancing well and a safe, secure competition took place.
Stage 1 was a 100m stage where competitors had a single magazine of a maximum 25 rounds to engage 12 steel plates and then a relocate and reload with another single magazine to engage 6 more plates. New shooter Andrew Hammond showed is Army training and came away with the win with a time of 36.6 seconds a near 50 seconds faster than second place Dave Salmons and third place Andy Smith.
Stage 2 was a medium stage shooting a combination of IPSC mini targets and our new square knock down targets with distances from 5m to 15m with a 25m run down to engage the final 6 targets which was won by Kelvin Leaton with a time of 24.45 from Matt Cox half a second slower and new competitor to the Winter League Chris Wilder on 26.99.
Stage 3 was a tricky little stage using IPSC micro targets at 20m and our new round knock down targets as close as 1m distance which threw a lot of people shooting too low but was won by Kelvin Leaton again with a time of 18.15 seconds from Dave Salmon again with 19.87 and Martin Patric on 21.81 seconds.
The final stage was a long rundown stage with 9 IPSC mini targets spread down the range with no more than a single target visible from any single point, lots of movement and firing and again Kelvin Leaton showed his speed and skill to win again with a time of 23.38 ahead of Matt Cox and Andrew Hammond.
The final scores for the final round stood with Kelvin Leaton first, Andrew Hammond second place and Matt Cox third.
With the final scores in and allowing for a dropped round (worst score not counted) the final standings are;
1st Kelvin Leaton 44 points
2nd Andrew Hammond 38 points
3rd Matt Cox 32 points
4th Dave Salmons 24 points
5th Peter Dennis 23 points
6th Andy Smith 17 points
7th Martin Patric 16 points
8th Tony Porter 15 points
9th James Rowlands 12 points
10th Chris Wilder
11th = Matt Liddy 6 points
11th = Tom Samples 6 points
11th = Tom Cristensen 6 points
12th = Tom Davys 4 points
12th = Laurie Boyle 4 points
16th = Rupert Pearse 2 points
16th = Tom Goodman 2 points
16th = Aaron Coates 2 points
16th = Jon Clough 2 points
16th = Tom Thomson 2 points
16th = Yendis Lambert 2 points
16th = Stuart Bateman 2 points
16th = Matt Kino Wylam 2 points
17th = Richard Poole 1 point
17th = Harry Grewal 1 point
17th = Ethan Thorne 1 point
17th = Vian Davys 1 point
17th = Asif Ansari 1 point
So congratulations to overall winner Kelvin Leaton who pretty much shot well every round in every stage, well done to Andrew Hammond who not only won 2nd pace overall but also our best new shooter (never having competed in practical shooting before) and third place to Matt Cox who chased Kelvin pretty hard on every stage.
Great to note just how many were new competitors to the sport of practical shooting, no less than 19 people were brand new to practical shooting so the very idea of the Winter league – to help grow our sport for new shooters has done a great job.