Practical Winter League 2024/25 Round 2

Round 2 saw a big increase in entrants to 30 shooters so we think the word is spreading in the unique kinds of courses of fire we can do here and again, 4 new shooters to the sport, so all in a all a great day of shooting.
6 courses of fire over 5 ranges, 2 dark stages with targets out to 50m and as close as point blank made for a great day with minirifle and 2 gun shooters both enjoying themselves.
Not sure anyone really liked the stage where all the mags and the pistol had to be carried in a briefcase but it was certainly different to many courses of fire we seem to shoot these days and generated a lot of laughter.
Lee Elliot came through again for the win in minirifle, obviously seeing this as practice for his trip to the Worlds next year and Rob Lawson again showing he can take the top slot in 2Gun, well done to both.
We still need to clear the ranges and post the videos which we will do over the Xmas break ready for the next round which is on January 11th 2025, to enter click HERE
Merry Christmas to all.