Target Rich Environment Practical Shooting Winter League Round 1

Round 1 of the Target Rich Environment Winter League is done and it was brilliant. 6 new shooters had their first ever competition and 25 competitors got to experience the unique nature of practical shooting here at Silverstone Shooting Centre. Not bad for what is a series designed really to act as a pre cursor to the full season and to keep shooters going during the off season.
Six stages in total and here they are, shot by Tom and John in their lunch hour the next day.
Winner on the day was the highly experienced Russell Hicks of Worcester Norton just ahead of his club mate Lee Hopgood (current NRA Senior Champion) and we are most grateful for both Russ and Lee staying behind to help RO the range crew who shot later in the day.
Silverstone members did well, taking 6 of the top 10 positions so maybe there is something to the home advantage but considering most of them shot after a full day of being Range Officers or in their lunch hours later in the week we need to think of a better way to shoot our own competitions!
Full results will be posted onto Practiscore.
Howard Roberts was best LBP shooters but with only one other LBP shooter this round we are hopeful of some more competition for the rest of the season, remember you can shoot twice, one as MR and one as LBP if you want, the courses of fire are adapted as regards distance for the 2 disciplines.
First, second and third will all get lovely clothing from our new title sponsor – Target Rich Environment and the scores of the best 4 rounds go towards the title.
Next round is January 20th, to enter click HERE.
Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, see you in 2024!